Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What do Black Men Get From Sexism?

I've tried explaining this to some "brothas" (who says that anymore anyway?) online, that Black men can benefit from patriarchy ,too. It's not just a White thing. Sure it's a White-designed thing, but Whites can call for their foot-soldiers at any time. I just never understood what Black men got out of exercising sexism towards Black women besides a brief moment to bathe in some form of white-male supremacy. It seems to me many brothas would love to be equal on terms of everything with White men, even the ability to own and control their women.

Black men as a whole may feel like they have nothing in terms of power. So what better way to exert authority and power through sexism than to attack the lowest of the low-Black women? Nobody cares about Black women anyway. How many Black prostitutes are reported dead on television in comparison to how many White prostitutes?  How many missing White girl photos have you seen and how many "missing Black girl" news reports have you seen?  My point is, is that there are no penalties attached to hurting Black women emotionally,physically,and spiritually. Never has been.

Until racsim ends though, Black misogynist men are supporting White men's racist efforts to debase Black women with each song that comes along, each video uploaded on Youtube, each article written about what's wrong with "us", each objectifying cat-call on the streets, each camera-phone recorded up-skirt that's then sent into digital space (the internet). They confirm that Black women aren't worth two dead flies smashed together, and White supremacists nod and agree. The Black misogynist male thinks he's just expressing misogyny, but what he is really expressing is racist misogyny. Who's the solution? Surely not that misogynist Black male.

What  Black men get in exercising in misogyny are only the crumbs of the White supremacy pie. A pie they've been craving for, for some years. Some will even step on us to get a crumb, you can imagine what they would do to Black women if White men decide to give them a slice. If they'll hurt us for a fantasy, they'll kill us for a reality.

Don't support Black Male Misogyny. It's damaging for the Black community as a whole and re-affirms White racist views of Black people.

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